
It is the application of the concepts and techniques of the games to other areas of activity.
Among the concepts and techniques most commonly used in games are, for example, rewards, levels, progress, back counts, tools, free content and loyalty programs.

“The use of game mechanics, aesthetics and game thinking to engage people, motivate action, promote learning and solve problems” Karl Kapp

General characteristics

  • It may be present in many types of disciplines, such as marketing, education, psychology.
  • It allows us to create and consolidate commitment on the part of the members of a community (in the educational field, for example, the students that are part of a classroom), through the active and dynamic participation in activities, that realized in another way Could be considered boring.
  • Ludification can be used as an element to consolidate interpersonal relationships in society, also in multiple spheres.
  • Its growth has been spurred by the emergence of video games.
  • It has its basis in game mechanics, that is, from the adoption of a series of rules, through pleasure and enjoyment, you have to achieve certain objectives (points, levels, feedback, collection of objects …).
  • In order to serve the role of ludification, we must first be clear about the activity we want to develop and the objectives we want the users to achieve (in the educational field: the students).

Types of Ludification

We can distinguish between 3 classes:

  • External gamification: Practices focused on marketing or sales, aimed at retaining customers or attracting new customers.
  • Internal gamification: Practices focused on the human resources of a company, to improve productivity, and commitment of workers.
  • Gamify to modify behaviors: It is focused to change the customs of a social group in favor of a social cause, or to obtain a business objective. It applies in areas such as the environment, health, education, etc.