Components of the game

They are the specific applications that are added to the activity.
It should be noted that several authors consider that these implementations have to satisfy some need of the person to show interest.

Types of players

There are four types of players with different motivations and interests towards the game. On the one hand, there are those that focus on the achievement of the goals and the final outcome of the game, and on the other, those that focus more on the participatory and playful value involved in the game itself.

  • The Killer or ambitious: Their main motivation is to win and get first place in the standings. The way to retain these participants in the game is through the use of classification lists in which they can see how they are surpassing the different levels and how they are climbing posts.
  • The Achiever or Winner: A type of adventurer, whose main motivation is to continue discovering new scenarios, platforms or levels and overcome the goals set in the game. In this sense, their motivation is intrinsic and is more related to personal satisfaction or the good of the group.
  • The Socializer or sociable: Your motivation is of social type above the same strategy of the game, share with others or create a network of contacts or friends. They are retained in the game through chats or lists of friends.
  • The Explorer or Explorer: It is that player who likes to discover what is unknown to him. He is drawn to the complex challenges through which he can overcome the different levels of play. Your motivation is self-improvement.

Richard Bartle concludes in his results that the profiles are distributed in the following proportion of players: killers 20%, winners 40%, explorers 50% and socializers 80%. What this means is that a player can be classified in more than one profile generating hybrid profiles like killer-socializer for example, or even a player who presents the four types of behavior but stands out more in one in particular.