What is Gameboard?
We specialize in applying the Gamification methodology, so the clients can achieve their objectives and develop or integrate a solution. This within a centralized and secure platform, which helps to make better decisions and meet internal and external users needs, generating loyalty.
What is Gamification?
It is the use of game design elements, thoughts, and mechanics to involve people in non-game contexts. The implementation is divided in two important setups:
How we do it?
We analyze, learn, design and integrate the best solution and tools for your business, based on the creation of a game design document. Where we define objectives and the actions that need to be taken so you can meet your objectives.
Teams, players, levels, badges, prizes, everything that the game should have, always based on the procedures of your company.
We Analize
We work together in the process of establishing the objectives you want to achieve based on
the SMART methodology and we profile your players.
We design
Based on the analysis, we generate a game design document that includes the dynamics, mechanics, points, and results you need to implement to fulfill your objective.
We Develop
We create a software requirements document that establishes the rules of integration and
We Implement
With the game developed and integrated into our platform, we guide you in the implementation and improvement process, when you start
We Evaluate
We provide you with a tool that will give you results, help you in making decisions, so you can tune the game the best way possible.
Our products

How you can use it?
We Believe in a world where people want to play
We make working fun!
Our Company
We are born from the need to play and compete; we achieve and learn much more when we play, and our actions are fun. We want to conquer the world.
United States
12234 SW 123 PL
Miami, Florida
Zip code 33186.
Vía 4 1-00 zona 4, Edificio TEC 2, Oficina 1004, 4 Grados Norte
Guatemala, Guatemala
Zip Code 01004